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Minority Note: Policing in America
Marvin Tador, Lecturer, Anglo-American University, The John H. Carey II School of Law; J. D., Washburn University School of Law; LL.M. Candidate (2021) Charles University, Faculty of Law; B. A., University of South Florida
Although, northern police departments mimicked their brethren, across the Atlantic Ocean, in Great Britain. Policing in southern U.S. states was forged on the backs of slaves. This is likely startling news for the uninitiated. At the outset of this Note, the burden of law enforcement is laid bare, especially in the post-9/11 world. An officer’s perspective is needed but is sometimes drowning amidst the pool of transgressions or officer-involved shootings. This Note endeavors to describe American police history, practices, and autonomous zones. This Note does not tackle institutional racism. It touches, though, on why law enforcement yields to international law. The community policing concept is encapsulated and juxtaposed with the Ferguson Police Department (FPD). It also unearths that autonomous zones are not neoteric gatherings coughed into existence by renegades and antigovernment neophytes. What’s more, it probes the Black Lives Matter Movement for its genesis, indelible message, and purposes. This Note conducts a deep dive into community policing and cascades through its secondary and tertiary effects. It recognizes the palpable concession that technology has robbed some communities of its friendly foot patrols and congenial dialogues between officers and members of the community. This Note then demonstrates what policing should and should not look like by perusing the Kansas City Experiments and the FPD. The culmination briskly surveys international legal norms.
Keywords: Autonomous zones, community policing, U.S. police practices.