
FELCAN  Miroslav

The first part of this article was published in the second issue of the periodical Security Theory and Practice 2008.
Aim of the study is to summarize connections between the traffic policy of the Slovak Republic, as the member state of the European Union, and needs for implementation of new communication and information technologies in the area of road trafficking. Implementation of the traffic policy of the SlovakRepublic faces many demands and requirements for changes in the processes of road traffic net modernization. The need of implementation of modern information and commu-nication technologies into road traffic is problematic, which interferes many areas of activity of citizens of the Slovak Republic. Study further contains general characteristics of the development of road traffic in the Slovak Republicand includes the most frequent terms related to road traffic. The core of the publication creates an explanation of the need to implement modern information and communication technologies, which stem from the orientation of the traffic policy of the Slovak Republic. It is a paradox that despite a rapid increase of fuel prices the density of traffic does not decrease, but the opposite is true. Drives are more aggressive, hastened and they bear more risk. As a direct result there is a greater number of tragedies on our roads, as well as congestions on main road passages and in the cities with the negative impact upon the environment and the health condition of the public, including heavy consequences of road accidents. It is exactly the ways of application of modern information and communication technologies in the road traffic, which I attempted to develop in my publication in a way, how to protect human lives, health and property.
Keywords: European Union, harmonization, approximation, integration, road traffic, traffic system, security within the road traffic, road traffic accidents, infra-structure, congestions, environment, communication and information techno-logies, traffic policy, toll system, trans-European traffic net, intelligent traffic system.
