
Insight into the Israeli Concept of Internal Security – the Middle East Inspiration
Zámek David, Bohman Martin:

The article focuses on the innovative and effective elements in the policing of the Israel Police Corpse in securing the safety and internal order. In the introduction the addressee is informed about the geopolitical context and the essential aspects of the internal security, crime rate and penal justice in Israel.  Then follows the history of the Israel Police Corpse on the background of the most significant historical events, presentation of the organisation structure, the system of the professional training and education and the control mechanisms of police. Other interesting findings are also presented in the part concerning the community policing and the voluntary service. The article is also made attractive by presenting a number of interesting information (e.g. the ratio of policewomen and minorities representation in the corpse, the information about the budget as well as the pension benefits of police officers in Israel) and comparing the data to the conditions in the Czech Republic.
Key words: Israel, police, internal security, organisation.
