
Verification of the Anti-Corruption Effect the Integrity Tests – Time Series Analysis
pplk. JUDr. Josef Hrudka, Ph.D., Faculty PA Security Legislation of the Czech Republic in Prague, Department of Police Activities

The scientific arcticle deals with a presentation of a research of preventative effects of integrity tests that have been introduced by the new law on the Police force of Czech republic since 2009 and subsequently adopted and modified by the law on the General inspectorate of security forces since 2012. The empirical part of the paper is focused on the analysis and the prognosis of the method of examining the development of the trend of the number of reports from police officers on the attempts to bribe them with the aim to verify whether it is possible to conclude from the development of this trend that the awareness of existence of the integrity test alone has a preventative effect. The paper condludes the topic with the statement that based on the analysis of these trends alone it is not possible to deduce that the mere existence of integrity tests has a preventative, anti-corruption effect adding that it will be necessary to explore this question using additional methods.
Key words: corruption, integrity test, General inspectorate of security forces, preventative effects of integrity tests.
