
The Issue of CrimE Prediction vs. Time of Crime Commission
doc. JUDr. Roman Svatoš, Ph.D., College of European and Regional Studies ops, České Budějovice, Department of legal disciplines and Security Studies

For more successful fight against crime some new methods of work of law enforcement agencies, especially the Police of the Czech Republic and also other participants are permanently adopted. The introduction and use of new economically available information technologies such as geographic information systems, particularly “Maps of crime” for work of new stakeholders appears to be one of the way how to affect crime. For purposes of effective use of crime maps it is necessary to have such information that will make the most objective crime prediction possible. And so we need to know precise scenes of committed crimes, to use accurate classification of crimes and we also need to know possibly the most particular time of committed crimes. This study particularly deals with the problems of crime commission time and there are also some new suggestions how to solve this problem. These solutions result from both the analysis of legal status and software status analysis and also from the analysis of technical and administrative status while using practical experience.
Keywords: crime, geographic information systems, maps of crime, crime prediction, time of crime commission.
