
Priorities of the police in conditions of the post modern state
PhDr. Zuzana Herzogová, CSc.

Educational means in conditions of the Slovak Republic Academy of Police Corps 
doc. Ján Buzalka, CSc.

Terrorism as a part of non cooperative police
Dr. Štefan Danics, Ph.D.

Terrorism – the war of the third millennium
Mgr. Lukáš Urban

The right for resistance
Zdeněk Krejčí, Dr.

Analysis of the professional profile of the senior police officers and the determination of their social competence 
Dr. Zdeněk Kovařík, CSc.

Special police units and selected aspects of their training
Mgr. Marian Brzybohatý, Ph.D.

Basic approaches to crisis planing
doc. Ján Buzalka, CSc.

Problems of scientific knowledge transfer in relation to police practice needs
RSDr. Peter Bilský, CSc., prof. PhDr. Jaroslav Erneker, DrSc.
prof. JUDr. Ing. Viktor Porada, DrSc.

Police deontology and its possible investment for the finght against corruption in police corps
doc. PaedDr. Samuel Uhrín, CSc.

Features in discovery of the criminal activity – corruption.
Ing. Miroslav Lisoň, Ph.D., doc. JUDr. Dezider Bango, CSc.
prof. JUDr. Ing. Viktor Porada, DrSc.

Traditional and new tasks of the CR Police in crime prevention of youth 
JUDr. Ivana Zoubková, CSc.

The possibilities of modelling in bio-mechanical exploration
prof. PhDr. Jiří Straus, CSc.

Detection and disposition of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear veapons combined with impovised explosive device
RNDr. Jaroslav Tureček, Ph.D.

Private services under state control
PaedDr. František Novák

Cooperation of the public with police as a subject for research.
PhDr. Pavel Krejčí, CSc., doc. PhDr. Jiří Semrád, CSc.,dr. Zdeněk Kovařík, CSc.

Contribution to internal pedagogy evaluation (importace of feedback for evaluation of the obligation voluntary subject)
PhDr. Iva Borská, CSc.

Entrance procedure on PA CR from the view of statistical analysis
Dr. Zdeněk Kovařík, CSc.

Publication review:  Jan Hejda:   Criminology, criminal-law and criminalistics’ aspects of the drug problem in the Czech Republic and its solution
doc. PhDr. Jiří Straus, CSc.
