Special issue 2013

Selectivity of Detection Devices Intended for Ethylalcohol Detection in Exhaled Human Breath
doc. Ing. Jaroslav Suchánek, CSc.

Phenomenology of Victimisation
doc. PhDr. Ludmila Čírtková, CSc.

Punishment Acceptance and the Values of the Persons Serving a Prison Sentence
PhDr. Marcela Moulisová, Ph.D.

Research of Offenders Convicted of Negligence
doc. JUDr. Ivana Zoubková, CSc.

Traditional Methods of Explosive Trace Particles Detection at Security Screening
plk. doc. RNDr. Jaroslav Tureček, Ph.D.

Less Lethal Ammunition and Cartridges
pplk. Mgr. Tomáš Novotný

3D Digitalization of a Crime Scene as a New Documentation Metod of Investigation
Mgr. Zdeněk Marek

Juvenile Delinquency Risk Factors – Analysis of Their Frequency
rada pplk. PhDr. JUDr. Jana Firstová, Ph.D.

Integrity Tests – an Instrument of Prevention of Offences?
pplk. JUDr. Josef Hrudka, Ph.D.

(Different) Roles of Intelligence Services and the Police and Their Attitudes Towards Investigating and Detecting Specific Spheres of Crime
JUDr. Ladislav Pokorný, Ph.D.

Methodology of Criminal Extremism Detection and Investigation
prof. JUDr. Mgr. Jana Viktoryová, PhD., JUDr. Jaroslav Blatnický, PhD.

Propaganda Methods of Extremist Scene in the Czech Republic and the Current Trends
pplk. Mgr. Barbora Vegrichtová, MBA

The Use of Non-Lethal Weapons in Policing
pplk. Ing. Aleš Blahut, kpt. Mgr. Miroslav Rouč

Gross Negligence and Traffic Criminal Offences on Roads
JUDr. Miroslav Polcar, Ph.D.

Possibilities of Modelling Tools Application in Security and Safety Systems of the Czech Republic
JUDr. Vladimír Souček, Mgr. Oldřich Krulík, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Bedřich Šesták, DrSc.

Communication with the Public in Emergency Situations Focusing on Socigenic Emergency Incidents: Regional Information Sources on Recommended Approach to Deal with Situations of Profound Disruption of Public Order and Security
Mgr. Oldřich Krulík, Ph.D.

Oil Security and Education From the Perspective of Regional Offices
Mgr. Lukáš Harazin, Mgr. Oldřich Luža

The Mutual Relation Between the Occurrence of Threats and Their Perception in Terms of Negative Social Phenomena
Dr. Bc. Ján Šugár, CSc., Mgr. Lenka Jakubcová

On Selected Issues of Peace Operations in the Post-Modern Era
JUDr. Pavel Liška

Political Extremism and Semantic Differential
Dr. Zdeněk Kovařík, CSc., Jozef B. Ftorek, M. A.

Anti-Extremism Consensus in the Theory and Practice of Democratic State
doc. Ing. Dr. Štefan Danics, Ph.D.

Far Right Extremist/Populist Political Parties in the Selected Europe Union´s States
PhDr. Ladislava Tejchmanová, Ph.D., doc. Ing. Dr. Štefan Danics, Ph.D.

The Interpreted Results of the Research Carried Out for the Evaluation of Police Officers
PhDr. Petr Jedinák, Ph.D., Ing. Marek Čandík, PhD., Dr. Zdeněk Kovařík, CSc.

The Selected Aspects of Cyber Crime Trends
doc. RNDr. Josef Požár, CSc., Mgr. Oldřich Krulík, Ph.D.

Responsibility for Some Mixed Administrative Offences Under the Act on Radio and Television Broadcasting
doc. JUDr. Eva Horzinková, Ph.D.

General Considerations of the Administrative Punishment in Relation to Offences
doc. JUDr. Eva Horzinková, Ph.D.

The Concept of Administrative Offences
JUDr. Zdeněk Fiala, Ph.D.

Internet Assistance of Education at the Police Academy of the Czech Republic in Prague
JUDr. Štěpán Kalamár, Ph.D., Ing. Bc. Marek Čandík, PhD.

Child Cyber Crime
Mgr. Lukáš Habich, JUDr. Štěpán Kalamár, Ph.D.

Resume of special issue
