Guidelines for authors


The Security Theory and Practice journal accepts predominantly scholarly research papers. It is required that all papers correspond to the journal’s scope of interest defined on the home page of the website (see Mission of the journal). It is also essential that the submitted manuscripts meet the required formal standards.

Manuscripts can be submitted in Czech, Slovak, and English.

Research paper

  • The research paper brings new knowledge with a theoretical background. The author knows the current state of the scientific discussion and is familiar with the entire history of the issue.
  • Specialised articles, which are the key output of the research, are particularly welcome.
  • The structure of the research paper shows what its subject is and what approaches and methods the author has used to achieve the presented results.
  • In particular, we encourage papers of international importance. However, we do not exclude content embedded in a national or regional context.
  • Observing the authors’ ethics is essential – see the Code of Conduct for Security Theory and Practice.
  • The maximum length is 30 standard pages. Exceptions may be made upon consultation with the Editorial Board.
  • The ideas expressed in the paper shall be complete and explicit; the author shall strive for an objective approach to the issue.

The Editorial Board does not accept papers already published or submitted for publication elsewhere, where the exact wording and same scope of work is concerned, i.e. plagiarism.

Submitted papers are subject to a peer-review process. The Editorial Board requires the preparation of two independent opinions. The reviewer must not be an employee of the same institution as the author or one of the co-authors. In order to maintain the highest level of objectivity and quality of the peer-review process, the author’s name is not disclosed to the reviewer and the reviewer’s name is not disclosed to the author – double-blind review.

The reviewer’s opinion is sent to the author by e-mail. The reviewer recommends publishing or not publishing the paper for publication or specifies what should be covered in a possible rework.

Based on the reviews, the Editorial Board shall decide on the inclusion into individual issues. Failure to comply with the specified scope is a reason for returning the paper to the author.

Requirements for the processing of articles from the technical point of view

  • Papers, written in the Word text editor, should be sent to
  • The text of the paper should be written as plain text without dividing words; font Arial, size 12 pt; heading 18 pt; footnotes in Arial, 11 pt.
  • The notes to the text and references to the cited literature should be automatically placed as footnotes by Word, using continuous numbering.
  • When citing literature, it is necessary to respect the principles of citing professional literature according to the applicable ČSN standard.
  • Highlight individual passages in the text as needed – you can use italics or bold text (but do not underline) and other graphic editing to improve the clarity of the text.
  • Provide an e-mail address, full address of the workplace, and telephone number or another method of contact (in Czech and English).
  • Include a professional medallion of each of the contributing authors, in Czech and English (500 characters max.).
  • By submitting a paper to the Editorial Office of the Security Theory and Practice journal, the author agrees with its publication in digital and printed form. Copyright is preserved.
  • The authors are responsible for ensuring that their paper does not contain classified information.

Mandatory parts of the paper (see the Template)

  • the name of the author(s) (first name and surname in Latin characters) with titles and current workplace/affiliation, incl. address containing the city and country of the workplace (in English);
  • Researcher ID or ORCID;
  • contact details, including the email addresses of all authors;
  • the title of the paper (in Czech and English) – not highlighted;
  • if the paper is an output of a grant project, state this affiliation and the project identifier (in Czech and English);
  • a short abstract of the paper in Czech and English (3 to 5 lines) – the abstract should briefly describe the most important stages of research and significant results;
  • keywords capturing the decisive concepts of the paper in Czech and English (7 to 8 words maximum);
  • the text of the paper;
  • the list of references used;
  • a professional medallion for all contributing authors (in Czech and English).

Compliance with this policy reduces the time between submitting the paper and publishing it in the journal.

Editorial Board of the journal of PA ČR