
Criminal Activity from the Perspective of the International Protection
JUDr. Kamil Nedvědický, Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes, Police Academy of the Czech Republic in Prague, doctoral programme student

The presented scientific article comprehensively describes the impact of the criminal activity of the applicant for the international protection and the beneficiares of international protection on the procedure for granting international protection and the procedure for withdrawing international protection. Attention, based on the analysis of a relevant case law and its impact in legislation, is paid to the shift that is taking place in the direction of reduction of the influence of commited crimes on the applicant for international protection or the beneficiary of international protection in proceedings for granting or withdrawing international protection. A comparison with the area of a permanent residence of foreigners proves the existence of a similar trend. At the end of the presented article, the author proposes a de lege ferenda proposal in the direction of a greater consideration of the committed crime in the procedure for granting or withdrawing international protection.

Keywords: Criminal activity, international protection, asylum, subsidiary protection, exclusion clause, cessation clause.
