Volunteer work and possibilities of its use in securing domestic security
Bohman, Martin:
The author deals with the changes of the concept of domestic security leading to the necessary reform of police and security institutions of the state and introducing other non-governmental or private subjects into this process. These manifestations are reflected in the CzechRepublic in expert discussions in relation to the act on “domestic security” which has been under preparation. Special attention is paid to the volunteer work, especially to the possibility of the use of volunteer organizations as preventive security agents. Author describes the main characterristics of such organizations (volunteer work, expertness and professionalism, social or public interest) and functions, which will originate from this (development of security awareness, possibilities of direct involvement of citizens into the sphere of local security, information flows). Further the author describes the actual legislation framework of volunteer work in the Czech Republic and outlines its faults as well as possibilities of changes and optimisation. The final part describes the programs of organizations of volunteers abroad (in the USA, Great Britain and Israel).
Key words: volunteer work, domestic security.