
Contemporary Bases of Defence and Protection of the Critical Infrastructure in the Slovak Republic
BLAŽEK, Vladimír, KELEMEN, Miroslav

In the context of contemporary security threads and challenges there is a very topical demand of complex basis of safeguarding defence and protection of the critical infrastructure at Continental – European, Slovak – at state level as well as at local level. The contemporary solution of a wide range of questions of defence and protection of the critical infrastructure systematically responds to the given and anticipated potential safety threats and forms an adequate pre-condition to the proportionate measures for its defence, protection and measures to support defence. In the complicated system of defence and protection of critical infrastructure of our state and regions an important role is played by the concept transfer of knowledge and experience of NATO partners and the EU into conceptual documents and legislation. By passing Act No. 45/2011 Coll. on Critical Infrastructure there was a contemporary completion of the process of creation of conceptual and legislative bases, there were created basic conditions for a complex realization of defence and protection of critical infrastructure.
Keywords: critical infrastructure, criteria of identification of critical infrastructure, sensibility of critical infrastructure, resistance of critical infrastructure, vulnerability of critical infrastructure, interconnectedness of defence and protection of critical infrastructure, sector of critical infrastructure, element of critical infrastructure, the aim of defence and protection of critical infrastructure, basic tools of defence and protection of critical infrastructure, the spheres of defence and protection of elements of critical infrastructure, current roles of defence and protection of critical infrastructure.
