Psychological and Ethical Issues of the Commander in the Integrated Rescue System
plk. Ing. Oldřich Volf, Ph.D., Fire Rescue Service of the Karlovy Vary Region
PhDr. et Mgr. Barbora Pánková, Institute of Humanities, NEWTON College, Prague, Czech Republic
Mgr. Tibor A. Brečka, MBA, Institute of Humanities, NEWTON College, Prague, Czech Republic
Ing. Eva Kozáková, University of Defense, Brno, Faculty of Military Leadership
The text deals with the psychological and ethical issues of command in the Integrated Rescue System, especially in the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic. It considers specific properties and values of the commander. It focuses in particular on the question of courage, decisiveness and tenacity. Last but not least, on the importance of ethics in the decision-making process.
Key words: Fire Rescue Service, command, ethics, commander personality.